Brilliant's Puppy and Teenage Diaries
Now that Brilliant has turned 8 months old, a new follow on course showing his development and training from 8 - 14 mths called Teenage Diary is starting! In this part of our training we will be growing on the skills above but will also be starting to get into a lot more foundation agility skills.
Just some of the topics that have been covered in the teenage diary -
Building on toy play and working on handling with toys as distractions.
Foundation skills for conditioning with good form.
Working through distractions of all sorts.
Teaching wait for your turn and self control behaviours while other dogs work.
How to create clean training loops to reduce frustration and disconnection.
Flatwork handling skills that will transfer quickly to agility skills when he is old enough.
Foundations for contact training.
Proofing games for stays and contact end positions.
Tunnel games (so much we can do here to teach all things tunnels including not doing them if we haven't cued them!)
So much more detail you get to see as I deal with adjusting training plans when things aren't working or how quickly I increase the difficulty to keep progressing skills. These diaries really show a lot more insight on my training than you will get on my other online courses.
A $20 discount is available to current Brilliant Puppy Diary students. Just pick that option, in the drop down box.
I know a lot of people are having much more time and home and potentially less income, so I've discounted these courses to help in these difficult times.
Once you have purchased this course, I will need to add you to the specific FB group. If you aren't currently FB friends with me, please send me a request after your purchase so I can find you!
Purchase all three at once to receive $80 off the total price! Access will be 18mths if you choose this option.
To purchase one or more of the diaries buy here.
NB Prices already reduced within PayPal so no need for a discount code. Full price was $80 per diary or $200 for all of them!
Join me on the beginning of my journey with my new boy Brilliant! This course is a super comprehensive look at all I am doing to raise a family member that will fit in with the rest of our pack, as well us starting the beginning of our puppy foundations for our future in agility.
With Brill, I am implementing some of the things I have learnt over the last 20 years training dogs in agility, that I feel are super important.
I have changed so much in my training, particularly in the last 3 - 4 years. Really concentrating on improving my dog training and communication skills to help reduce frustration from the dog/puppy.
There are lots of different puppy diaries and courses out there that are focussed on agility foundations with a puppy, so why should you choose mine over the others? Well first and foremost my focus isn't just on agility foundations. I actually don't believe that puppies should be doing any equipment or wrapping wings or cones, doing handstands and many other things I deem to be unsafe for a puppy's body. I believe that most agility foundation/puppy courses don't consider the puppy's emotions and feelings, or consider how we (the trainer) can be clearer with our communication to reduce frustration, or give the puppies choices in their training.
Just some of the topics that have been covered in the puppy diary -
How to make focus and engagement a habit/automatic response for your puppy/dog.
Recalls and checking in habits.
Working through distractions.
Toy play - tugging, retrieves and also teaching a bunch of different toy markers for clarity as well as starting self control within play.
Food training - teaching different food markers for clarity, shaping new behaviours, self control and using food with calming techniques.
Socialising and taking your puppy out and about.
How to work on things like fearful responses.
Teaching every day manners out and about.
Every day stuff! Watch me work through just some of our every day things like walking on lead, off lead walks, husbandry training (nails etc) waiting for meals and much more!
Also integrating a new puppy into a multi dog household and the steps I take for that.
Specific training appropriate for a baby puppy, that will be laying super foundations for Brilliant's future! There are heaps of little things I can do every day, that help to teach him to follow my handling and will help in other ways to make our future agility training come together quickly.
This course content will run until Brill is 6 months old, so 4 months worth of information and then you will have a further 4 months access to it.