Brilliant! Teenage and Beyond!
TEENAGE AND BEYOND! (16 - 20 mths)
BLACK FRIDAY SALE! 30% off all diaries! Full price was $80 per diary or $200 for all three.
Join me on this diary which is a super comprehensive look as our agility training gets more intensive. We are getting to the fun stuff!
This diary will track our training in the following -
Wing commitment - teaches independence and distance skills along with really proofing we can send and leave.
Jump skills - so many different ways they can take jumps and we need to teach them how to use their bodies correctly.
Tunnel skills - continuing on from previous diaries we will be building on new skills as well as self control and handling around them.
Contact training - starting out on teaching the skills needed for the seesaw, dog walk and aframe.
Sequencing - see how I teach distance skills that allow me to make handling positions. We will also cover common sequence set ups like pinwheels, 180's etc.
Weaves - as Brill is getting old enough now I can look at starting his weave training as well. We will start out on teaching entries from all angles to get nice independent entries. Then moving on to training the full set of 12.
Fitness training - Brill has a fantastic foundation in fitness and you will see us building on what he can currently do. I am all about teaching good form and function and doing things safely.
Self control and waiting his turn.
Arousal shifting - How to maintain arousal levels to make sure he can remain thoughtful within his agility work.
Toy play - Brill has fantastic toy skills but I do have to watch his arousal levels within this. I have certain patterns and techniques that help with reading him and also shifting him through different arousal levels.
Clean training loops - this is key in all of our training so you will get to see how to keep more connected and reduce frustration in all your training.
Plus much more! If auditors have anything in particular they need help with I can easily do sessions on other things too
This course content will run until Brill is 20 months old, so 4 months worth of information and then you will have a further 4 months access to it.
If you have a puppy or young teenager then take a look at this page for more details on those diaries -